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Cornwall Morganeering Copyright




"Walking With The Dane"

7th June 2024

Torben was over from Denmark for a week's walking in the Arundel area, so we took advantage of his visit and joined him for a day's walk and a pub lunch.


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
10.2 5H07 2H22 206 206 0 119





Entrance to Arundel Castle. There is a huge car park opposite.

A coffee at "The Edible Sandwich" cafe before we start walking


Arundel high street to the left of this building

Approaching Arundel Park


The lake








The South Downs



South Stoke



This is not uphill! It's flat but on a slight incline!

Our lunch destination ..... The Black Rabbit on the River Arun



You can't beat a pint of Badger!


The River Arun

Leaving the Black Rabbit for the 2 km walk back to Arundel

Swanbourne Lake


Swanbourne Lodge Tearooms